(Typo)graphics  > c a l c diseño C.B.

1993 - 2005
commercial, experimental (Synctank)
Teresa Alonso Novo, Ian Campbell

calc diseño C.B. (Comunidad de Bienes) was the commercial tentacle of c a l c. here you see some graphic examples (more in the www`s above) of works I did to help financing our experimental projects or simply our lives. actually we never made a real difference between the free-works and the job-works, they went hand in hand and what we could learn on one we could live on the other.



MYseum – the navigation egg for a community website (never realized)

four seasonal navigation-architecture for a youth-services website

‘mechanic cow’, mascot for a so called lifestyle magazine

icons for the content-sections of the same magazine (doesn’t exist anymore..)

SYNCTANK, a ping-pong-platform i ran with Ian Campbell, the canadian media artist..

and several results this play generated