(Typo)graphics  > BROOMBALL

Marie - die Vorarlberger Strassenzeitung
Newspaper, single card
Simone Fürnschuß (curator) marCo Koeppel (cad-drawing), other nine artist colleagues (cards): Roland Adlassnigg, Doris Fend, Tone Fink, WolfGeorg, Marbod Fritsch, Barbara Anna Husar, Christine Lederer, Claudia Mang, und Bianca Tschaikner

In late summer 2022 Simone Fürnschuß, an editor of the street newspaper Marie, asked me if I also wanted to design a card (A5) for the November and December issue, there would be 9 other artists as well. Because I appreciate the project of this newspaper and the works of the other 9 very much I said yes with pleasure.
Simone’s concept was that everyone chooses a typical dialect term from a pre-selection, which in one way or another have to do with the everyday life of the street vendors, and then interprets it in a completely free visual way.
I chose KEHRWÜSCH, which means small hand broom. Because I had been carrying the idea of a large broom sphere around in my head for years, and I simply wanted to take advantage of this opportunity and use the card to create a preliminary study for a large sculpture of a Broom Ball98 street brooms in a wooden sphere, diameter 390cm. At the next best opportunity I would like to realize the object to it and use it in a performance.


< image_01 simulation Broomball

< image_02 the A5 Card