(P)art  > INSIEME

2021 - 2023
land- and lovescape
playing balls, photography, digital editing, Océ ColorWave wax beads print
Bella Angora (Sarah Mistura)
on the shores of Lake Constance

We did the photo session with Sarah Mistura in the cool spring of 2021, but it wasn’t until two years later that we edited the work – removing everything built from the background and leaving only the balls and the image itself as culture. At the very beginning, we spontaneously called the idea Gay Christmas Tree. Then it became the Queertree, then, when Bella wrote a little text for for a submission, INSIEMEtogether in Italian. Neither Bella nor I are gay, but I left QUEERTREE in the subtitle simply because I like it. Bella wrote:

In the first artistic collaboration between Bella Angora and tOmi Scheiderbauer a favorite tree (by Bella Angora) meets a favorite toy (by tOmi Scheiderbauer). The two artists staged these two objects as part of a photo session
a photo session with photographer Sarah Mistura.

A willow tree standing on the shores of Lake Constance is decorated with rainbow-colored children’s balls – similar to a Christmas tree. The celebration is about friendship, art and, last but not least, the tree itself.
The gnarled willow has been alive for a very long time.
And the fact that it can defy the influences of wind, water and sun in its exposed location year after year and sun year after year is a really good reason to celebrate it.

The willow is a seemingly archaic natural monument. It is in constant connection with with the many elements that surround and challenge it, and in the photographic work presented here presented here, the two artists offer it not only through the unconventional decoration, but also a special stage, not only through the unconventional jewelry, but also through the way it is staged.
All references to our civilization have been retouched away. Only the balls bear witness of human existence. Here, nature, which is otherwise all too often relegated to the background, takes over. nature takes over and shines unhindered in its unspoiled beauty.

INSIEME – together – connected in friendship. The artistic intervention translates the term “connectedness” on different levels. The colorful balls are connected to the tree via a white cord. The rainbow colors carry a wide-ranging symbolism. Here they stand for peaceful coexistence and for a playful being playful in a world in which our stability is also constantly put to the test.
This applies to each individual as well as to us as a society. A society in which in which we (should) constantly seek and find the common denominator so that we can
enable and undergo necessary development processes through open and respectful exchange. and can go through them.

The  The Océ ColorWave wax beads print measures 83 x 106 cm and exists in a small edition of 5 copies. Interested?
Please contact me.

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